ASL- American Sign Language



ASL& 121: American Sign Language I

Credits 5
EDP, GS, H- In this course students begin to communicate with others using American Sign Language (ASL) and are introduced to the Deaf culture and community. They learn the vocabulary, grammar and culturally appropriate uses of ASL through natural, everyday conversation situations. This course is video-interactive, allowing students to check their comprehension and to practice signs.

ASL& 122: American Sign Language II

Credits 5
EDP, GS, H- Students further develop their ability to communicate with others using American Sign Language. They will increase their knowledge of ASL culture, signs, and grammatical structures.

ASL& 123: American Sign Language III

Credits 5
EDP, GS,H- In this course continuing the work of ASL& 122, students further develop their expressive and receptive skills and interpret ASL translations into standard English by adding to vocabulary and grammar knowledge. Students learn more about the various Deaf cultures and Deaf history.