CHEM& 121: Introduction to Chemistry

Subject Area
Credits 5 Lecture Hours 44 Lab Hours 22
Other Hours
Total Hours
Distributions & Designations
Natural Science,
Natural Science LAB
NSL- From consumer products to space age technologies, chemistry affects our daily lives. In this course, students will learn the structure of matter and how it behaves under various conditions in order to better understand the chemical world. Designed for students with little or no chemistry background, this course can stand alone or be followed by CHEM&131; and does not meet the prerequisite for CHEM&161. Laboratory activities extend lecture concepts and introduce the student to the experimental process. (LAB)


Completion of MATH 94 or MATH 95, or MATH&107, or MATH&146, or MATH&131, or MATH&132 with a grade of 2.0 or higher; OR placement into MATH&141or MATH 147 or above.