CHIN- Chinese


CHIN& 121: Chinese I

Credits 5
EDP, GS, H- In this course students begin to communicate in Mandarin Chinese by acquiring basic vocabulary and skills in grammar, pronunciation, and the Pinyin (Romanized) writing system. Students also begin to develop an understanding of the culture, art, music, and literature of the Chinese-speaking world.

CHIN& 122: Chinese II

Credits 5
EDP, GS, H- In this course continuing the work of CHIN&121, students improve their communication abilities in Mandarin Chinese by expanding their vocabulary and grammar and pronunciation skills. Students also increase their understanding of Chinese cultures and communication behaviors.

CHIN& 123: Chinese III

Credits 5
EDP, GS, H- In this course continuing the work of CHIN&122, students further improve their communication abilities in Mandarin Chinese by expanding their vocabulary and grammar and pronunciation skills. Students continue to increase their understanding of Chinese cultures and communication behaviors.