CMST 103: Interviewing Skills

Credits 3 Lecture Hours 33 Lab Hours 0
Other Hours
Total Hours
Distributions & Designations
Equity, Diversity, and Power,
EDP, H- In this course, students will focus on the principles of interviewing. The interview process is a highly specialized form of Interpersonal Communication. Students will engage in practicing and applying specific skills including, but not limited to listening, the use of both verbal and nonverbal communication, and the creation of resumes, cover letters, and personal statements. Moreover, students in the course will conduct and engage in mock interviews and develop interviewing skills and strategies based on a variety of settings including; work, job placement, internships, community activities, and college enrollment. Additionally, students learn how individuals, communities, and societies/cultures are impacted by these systems and explore strategies for equitable change.


Placement into ENGL 95 or above.