ECON- Economics


ECON& 201: Microeconomics

Credits 5

GS, SS, SU- This course examines the market system and the role of government in the economy. Students learn to analyze resource and income distribution, assess consumer and business behavior, and evaluate price determination and production cost. Students will also be able to identify the economic and socio-political forces that impact consumer demand, business production, and exchange within both domestic and international markets.

ECON& 202: Macroeconomics

Credits 5

GS,SS, SU- This is an introductory course in principles of macroeconomics. Macroeconomics studies aggregate economic phenomena such as inflation, economic growth and recession, and unemployment, and addresses issues related to economic growth and the role of government policies in maintaining a healthy, prosperous economy. The goal of the course is to enable students to think about aggregate economic issues in an insightful manner, and to critically evaluate the economic information and analysis provided in popular news publications.

ECON 460: Economics of Natural Resources

Credits 5
This course is a survey of the economics of renewable and nonrenewable natural resources including fisheries, forests, minerals and fuels, environmental resources such as clean air and water, and ecological resources such as biodiversity and a stable global climate. Students will analyze these topics by considering optimal trade-offs between benefits and costs of resource use, including trade-offs between current and future use and sustainability. The role of property rights on resource use, market failure and the role of government are covered.