EF-I- International


EF-I 25: Beginning English Communication

Credits 10
In this course, students will develop beginning English communication skills. Students will learn to communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening, speaking, and grammar in context to prepare for the next steps of their college or career goals. These outcomes correspond to College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education Level A-B. Prerequisite(s): Placement into EFI 25, or by International Programs staff or faculty.

EF-I 27: Beginning Reading

Credits 5
In this course, students will be introduced to beginning English reading skills. Students will learn to apply basic reading skills and strategies to a variety of adapted texts while developing their vocabulary and participating in discussion. Students will read texts on a variety of topics. This course will help students prepare for the next steps in their educational or career goals.

EF-I 28: Beginning Speaking and Listening

Credits 5
In this course, students will develop beginning English speaking and listening skills. They will improve their ability to make simple statements and ask and answer questions about daily life topics. Students will develop their fluency, comprehension, pronunciation, and conversation skills. This course will help students prepare for the next steps in their educational or career goals.

EF-I 29: Beginning Writing and Grammar

Credits 5
In this course, students will develop beginning English writing and grammar skills. Utilizing the writing process, students will write sentences and will be introduced to basic paragraph structure. Students will improve their knowledge and use of English grammar, sentence structure, and vocabulary in their writing. This course will help students prepare for the next steps in their educational or career goals.

EF-I 35: Low-Intermediate English Communication

Credits 10
In this course, students will develop low-intermediate English communication skills. Students will learn to communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening, speaking, and grammar in context to prepare for the next steps of their college or career goals. These outcomes correspond to College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education Level B-C. Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of appropriate Level 2 course(s), or placement into EFI 35. Placement is determined by International Programs staff or faculty.

EF-I 37: Low-Intermediate Reading

Credits 5
In this course, students will develop low-intermediate English reading skills. Students will learn to apply reading skills and strategies to a variety of adapted texts while developing their vocabulary and participating in discussion. Students will read texts on a variety of topics. This course will help students prepare for the next steps in their educational or career goals.

EF-I 38: Low-Intermediate Speaking and Listening

Credits 5
In this course, students will develop low-intermediate English speaking and listening skills. They will improve their ability to converse about a range of topics and participate in group discussions. Students will further develop their fluency, comprehension, pronunciation, and conversation skills. This course will help students prepare for the next steps in their educational or career goals.

EF-I 39: Low-Intermediate Writing & Grammar

Credits 5
In this course, students will develop low-intermediate English writing and grammar skills. Utilizing the writing process, students will write sentences and paragraphs for a variety of purposes. Students will improve their knowledge and use of English grammar, paragraph structure, and vocabulary in their writing. This course will help students prepare for the next steps in their educational or career goals.

EF-I 45: Intermediate English Communication

Credits 10
In this course, students will develop intermediate English communication skills. Students will learn to communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening, speaking, and grammar in context to prepare for the next steps of their college or career goals. These outcomes correspond to College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education Level C-D. Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of appropriate Level 3 course(s), or placement into EFI 45. Placement is determined by International Programs staff or faculty.

EF-I 47: Intermediate Reading

Credits 5
In this course, students will develop intermediate English reading skills. Students will learn to apply reading skills and strategies to a variety of adapted texts while developing their vocabulary and participating in discussion. Students will read texts on a variety of topics and genres. This course will help prepare students for the next steps in their educational or career goals.

EF-I 48: Intermediate Speaking and Listening

Credits 5
In this course, students will develop intermediate speaking and listening skills in English. They will improve their ability to express their opinions and participate in group discussions on academic and non-academic topics. Students will further develop their fluency, comprehension, pronunciation, critical thinking, formal presentation skills, and conversation skills. This course will help students prepare for the next steps in their educational or career goals.

EF-I 49: Intermediate Writing & Grammar

Credits 5
In this course, students will develop intermediate English writing and grammar skills. Utilizing the writing process, students will write well-developed paragraphs and will be introduced to multi-paragraph essays using a variety of styles. Students will improve their knowledge and use of English grammar, paragraph structure, and vocabulary in their writing. This course will help students prepare for the next steps in their educational or career goals.

EF-I 50: English in Context- Fine Arts

Credits 5
In this course, students will learn about topics relating to fine arts by reading primary sources and learning from other types of media. In addition, students will prepare written artifacts which require critical thinking skills, understanding of content, writing mechanics, grammar, spelling, and vocabulary. Students will also build public speaking skills by doing presentations. This course will help prepare students for the high school equivalency examinations in Reasoning Through Language Arts or earn high school completion credits in English and Science. It will also offer opportunities for students to increase English language skills contextually with topics relating to fine arts. These outcomes correspond to College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education Level D-E. Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of appropriate Level 4 course(s), or placement into EFI 50. Placement is determined by International Programs staff or faculty.

EF-I 51: English in Context- Washington State History

Credits 5
In this course, students will learn a general overview of Washington (WA) State history. Students will gain knowledge by reading primary sources learning from other types of media. In addition, students will prepare written artifacts which require critical thinking skills, understanding of content, writing mechanics, grammar, spelling, and vocabulary. Students will also build public speaking skills by doing presentations. This course will help prepare students for the high school equivalency examinations in Reasoning Through Language Arts and Social Studies or earn high school completion credits in English and WA State History. It will also offer opportunities for students to increase English language skills contextually with WA state history. These outcomes correspond to College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education Level D-E. Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of appropriate Level 4 course(s), or placement into EF 51. Placement is determined by International Programs staff or faculty.

EF-I 52: English in Context- United States History

Credits 5
In this course, students will learn a general overview of United States (US) history. Students will gain knowledge by reading primary sources documents and learning from other sources of media. In addition, students will prepare written artifacts which require critical thinking skills, understanding of content, writing mechanics, grammar, spelling, and vocabulary. Students will also build public speaking skills by doing presentations. This course will help prepare students for the high school equivalency examinations in Reasoning through Language Arts and Social Studies or earn high school completion credits in English and US History. It will also offer opportunities for students to increase English language skills contextually with US history. These outcomes correspond to College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education Level D-E. Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of appropriate Level 4 course(s), or placement into EFI 52. Placement is determined by International Programs staff or faculty.

EF-I 53: English in Context- Current World Issues

Credits 5
In this course, students will learn about a number of current world issues by reading primary sources and learning from other sources of media. In addition, students will prepare written artifacts which require critical thinking skills, understanding of content, writing mechanics, grammar, spelling, and vocabulary. Students will also build public speaking skills by doing presentations. This course will help prepare students for the high school equivalency examinations in Reasoning Through Language Arts and Social Studies or earn high school completion credits in English and Current World Issues. It will also offer opportunities for students to increase English language skills contextually with current world issues. These outcomes correspond to College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education Level D-E. Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of appropriate Level 4 course(s), or placement into EFI 53. Placement is determined by International Programs staff or faculty.

EF-I 54: English in Context- Civics and Government

Credits 5
In this course, students will learn about US Civics and Government by reading primary sources and learning from other sources of media. In addition, students will prepare written artifacts which require critical thinking skills, understanding of content, writing mechanics, grammar, spelling, and vocabulary. Students will also build public speaking skills by doing presentations. This course will help students prepare for the high school equivalency examinations in Reasoning Through Language Arts and Social Studies or earn high school completion credits in English and Civics/Government. It will also offer opportunities for students to increase English language skills contextually with topics relating to civics and the US government. These outcomes correspond to College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education Level D-E. Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of appropriate Level 4 course(s), or placement into EFI 54. Placement is determined by International Programs staff or faculty.

EF-I 55: English in Context- Environmental Science

Credits 5
In this course, students will learn about environmental science and sustainability by reading primary sources and learning from other sources of media. In addition, students will prepare written artifacts which require critical thinking skills, understanding of content, writing mechanics, grammar, spelling, and vocabulary. Students will also build public speaking skills by doing presentations. This course will help students prepare for the high school equivalency examinations in Reasoning Through Language Arts and Science, or earn high school completion credits in English and Science. It will also offer opportunities for students to increase English language skills contextually with topics relating to environmental science as they relate to topics on sustainability. These outcomes correspond to College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education Level D-E. Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of appropriate Level 4 course(s), or placement into EFI 55. Placement is determined by International Programs staff or faculty.

EF-I 56: English in Context- General Science

Credits 5
In this course, students will learn about topics relating to general science and sustainability by reading primary sources and learning from other types of media. In addition, students will prepare written artifacts which require critical thinking skills, understanding of content, writing mechanics, grammar, spelling, and vocabulary. Students will also build public speaking skills by doing presentations. This course will help prepare students for the high school equivalency examinations in Reasoning Through Language Arts and Science, or earn high school completion credits in English and Science. It will also offer opportunities for students to increase English language skills contextually with topics relating to general science and sustainability. These outcomes correspond to College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education Level D-E. Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of appropriate Level 4 course(s), or placement into EFI 56. Placement is determined by International Programs staff or faculty.

EF-I 57: High-Intermediate Reading

Credits 5
In this course, students will develop high-intermediate reading skills in English. Students will learn to apply reading and vocabulary skills and strategies to a variety of authentic and adapted texts while developing their vocabulary and participating in discussion. Students will read texts from a variety of genres and academic disciplines. This course will help prepare students for the next steps in their educational or career goals.

EF-I 58: High-Intermediate Speaking and Listening

Credits 5
In this course, students will develop high-intermediate English speaking, listening, and lecture note-taking skills. They will improve their ability to express their opinions and participate in group discussions on academic and non-academic topics. Students will further develop their fluency, comprehension, critical thinking, formal presentation skills, and note-taking. This course will help students prepare for the next steps in the educational or career goals.

EF-I 59: High-Intermediate Writing & Grammar

Credits 5
In this course, students will develop high-intermediate English writing and grammar skills. Utilizing the writing process, students will write well-developed paragraphs and multi-paragraph essays using a variety of styles. Students will improve their knowledge and use of English grammar, paragraph and essay structure, and vocabulary in their writing. This course will help students prepare for the next steps in their educational or career goals.

EF-I 65: Advanced Reading and Writing

Credits 10
In this course, students will develop advanced academic English reading and writing skills for success in college-level classes and the workplace. Students will apply reading strategies to a variety of authentic texts, while developing their vocabulary and annotation skills and participating in partner and group discussions. Students will create a variety of artifacts using the writing process and applying critical thinking skills and learned grammar from course texts. Written artifacts will include an instructor-guided research paper and assignments that combine purposes and styles. Course activities and assignments are designed to help students prepare for their next steps in their educational or career goals. This course will also prepare students for the high school equivalency examinations in Reasoning Through Language Arts or earn high school completion credits in English. These outcomes correspond to College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education Level E. Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of appropriate Level 5 course(s), or placement into EF 65. Placement is determined by International Programs staff or faculty.