EM- Emergency Management


EM 102: Introduction to Emergency Management

Credits 5
RE- This course will build a strong foundation for disaster and emergency management for homeland security in the 21st century. Addresses issues, policies, questions, best practices, and lessons learned through recent years: requirements of National Fire Protection Association® NFPA 1600, Standard on Emergency Management, and exposure to new and developing theories, practices, and technology in emergency management. prerequisite(s): None

EM 110: Basic Incident Command Systems

Credits 2
RE- This Emergency Management course introduces students to the Incident Command System (ICS) and provides the foundation for higher-level ICS training. This course describes the history, features, and principles and organization structure of the Incident Command System. It also explains the relationship between ICS and the National Incident Management System (NIMS). (Course will meet ICS 100/200 requirements). Prerequisite(s): None

EM 120: All Hazards Emergency Planning

Credits 3
RE- This Emergency Management course is designed to introduce students to developing an effective emergency planning system. Students will be trained in the fundamentals of the emergency planning process, including the rationale behind planning. Emphasis will be placed on hazard/risk analysis and planning team development. Other topics, such as Continuity of Operations (COOP), Emergency Support Functions, National Response Plan, Washington State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan, and contingency planning for areas such as Special Needs (Vulnerable Populations) or Animal Sheltering are included.

EM 130: Technology and Emergency Management

Credits 3
RE- This Emergency Management course provides a detailed overview of the technology used, and also clearly explains how the technology is applied in the field of emergency management. Students will learn how to utilize technology in emergency planning, response, recovery, and mitigation efforts and will identify key elements that must be in place for technology to enhance the emergency management process.

EM 157: Public Information

Credits 2
RE- This Emergency Management course is designed to train students for coordinating and disseminating information released during emergency operations and for assisting in the scheduling and coordination of news conferences and similar media events. After completing this course the student will have met the sections required for Public Information Officer as outlined by NFPA® 1035 (National Fire Protection Association).

EM 160: Emergency Response and Awareness to Terrorism

Credits 5
RE- This course provides students with current and relevant information about terrorism, terrorist behavior, homeland security policies and dilemmas, and how to deal effectively with threats and the consequences of attacks. Students will gain insight into the key players involved in emergency management, local and state issues, particularly as they need to interact and work with FEMA and other federal agencies. Course components include identifying terrorism, causes of terrorism, preventing terrorist attacks, responding to terrorism attacks, and avoiding communication and leadership collapse.

EM 180: Public Administration

Credits 3
RE- This Emergency Management course provides an overview of the structure and issues of public service. Course participants will examine the context of public administration: the political system, the role of federalism, bureaucratic politics, and power, and the various theories of administration that guide public managers today. Prerequisite(s): None

EM 198: Emergency Management Special Topics

Credits 3
RE- Special topics will be developed for areas outside the usual course offerings in the Emergency Management degree. Topics developed will focus on a specific current issue or concept in the areas of homeland security or emergency management.

EM 200: Emergency Operations Center

Credits 2
RE- This course provides the student with skills and knowledge to manage an Emergency Operations Center (EOC), acquire and control resources, and interface with on-scene responders within Incident Management Systems. Topics include EOC design, preparing, staffing, operating, and jurisdictional setting and the critical link between Incident Management Systems and emergency management operations. Prerequisite(s): None

EM 210: Exercise Design and Evaluation

Credits 3
RE- This Emergency Management course provides students with the knowledge and skills to develop, conduct, evaluate, and report effective exercises that test a community's operations plan and operational response capability Throughout the course, participants will learn about topics including exercise program management, design and development, evaluation, and improvement planning.

EM 220: Developing and Managing Volunteer Resources

Credits 2
RE- This Emergency Management course will focus on methods and procedures for involving affiliated and spontaneous volunteers in emergency management programs, with the goal of maximizing the effectiveness of volunteer resources.

EM 230: Disaster Recovery

Credits 2
RE- The purpose of this Emergency Management course is to enable students to understand and think critically about response and recovery operations in the profession of emergency management. Students will utilize problem-based learning by analyzing actual disaster events and applying the theories, principals, and practice of response and recovery. In addition, students will learn about the issues faced by special populations and how to address these special needs in natural disaster response and recovery.

EM 240: Work-Based Learning Experience

Credits 4
RE- This course provides students with ¿real world experiences¿ through Work-Based Learning (WBL) in homeland security and emergency management. Students learn to work within time constraints and are exposed to appropriate workplace behaviors. Students will have opportunities to refine the core skills they have learned from previous courses or curriculum.

EM 250: Homeland Security Law and Policy

Credits 4
RE- This course is designed to give the student an overview of various statutes, regulations, constitutional law, and common law associated with Homeland Security Emergency Management. Students will be introduced to the legalities and ethics relevant to organizing for counterterrorism, investigating terrorism and other national security threats, crisis and consequence management.