
The amount assessed for each of the fees identified below is published in the quarterly schedule of classes. Fees listed below are for the 2024-25 academic year. Fees for 2024-25 may change. Please check our website for up-to-date information.

Activities and Recreation Center (ARC) Fee

$8.93 per credit (maximum $133.95)

The student body voted to assess this fee to fund the construction and operation of the Activities and Recreation Center.

College and Career Foundations (EF, ESL, ABE)

There is a $25 per quarter fee charged to students enrolled in federally funded or grant funded classes. Students who demonstrate need may qualify for a fee waiver.

Class Fee

Individual classes may also have lab or other fees that will be charged in addition to the basic credit hour rate. These fees are listed on the Tuition and Fees webpage.

Computer Account

$21.00 per quarter for non-credited students

This fee covers your optional individual email account, file storage, and network access from campus.

Diploma Replacement

$5.00 per diploma
This fee is charged for reprinting a diploma.

English Composition Supplemental


This fee covers the cost of support for a Writing Tutor training program in the Bock Center. Students enrolled in class sections of ENGL&101, ENGL&102, and ENGL&235 will be charged this fee.


Non-Sufficient Fund Fee: $25.00 per check
Parking and Traffic Citations: $30-$250

(Visit the website for current fines)

International Admission

$50.00 non-refundable fee

International students will be charged an admission application processing fee.

Lab, Art Supply


Students enrolled in on-campus and hybrid art lab classes are charged the materials fee to help defray the cost of consumable supplies and special materials.

Lab, Computer and Technology

$5.00 per credit

This fee covers software, licenses, support and technology in specific courses, primarily IT courses.

Lab, General Science

$35.00 per course

Students enrolled in science lab classes are charged the materials fee to help defray the costs of consumable supplies, breakage, hazardous waste management, and special materials.

Lab, General Science, Online

$20.00 per course

Students enrolled in online science lab classes are charged for kits created for student use labs.

Lab, Intensive Computer and Technology

$8.00 per credit

This fee covers hardware, software, licenses, support and technology in specific courses.

Lab, Intensive Science

$60 per course

Students enrolled in Human Anatomy and Physiology, Biodiversity, Organic Chemistry lab classes are charged the materials fee to help defray the cost of consumable supplies and special materials.

Lab, Microbiology

$75.00 non-refundable fee

Students enrolled in microbiology lab classes are charged the materials fee to help defray the cost of consumable supplies and special materials.

Late Registration Fee


Students who register after the tenth day of the quarter must complete the online Late Add Petition (on the Enrollment webpage in the Forms section) and if approved, will be assessed a $50.00 late registration fee in addition to the tuition and fees.

Learning Technology

$20.00 per student, per course

Supports the cost associated with providing online learning experiences to students in online, hybrid, and web-enhanced (in-person) classes.

Non-Sufficient Fund Checks

$25.00 per check

Students will be charged this fine when they submit a check for payment and there are insufficient funds in their account to cover the check.

Official Transcript


This fee is for official student transcripts. imprinted with Cascadia College’s official seal, signed by the Registrar, and sealed in an envelope. Official transcripts can be ordered online 24/7 through the National Student Clearinghouse. There is a $5.00 transcript fee plus a $2.90 processing fee, a total of $7.90 per transcript.


Over 1,800 parking spaces are available on campus. Pay stations are located in all parking areas for “per visit” payment. Parking is enforced 24/7. Students and staff may purchase quarterly parking permits online. Visit the Parking webpage for current rates.

Placement Assessment (Accuplacer)

$42.00 non-refundable fee for online Accuplacer

$17.00 non-refundable fee for in-person Accuplacer (on campus at the Kodiak Corner)

A fee will be charged for placement assessment in English and/or mathematics.

Printing, Above Standard Allocation


Each student receives a standard printing allocation of $24.00 which equates to 600 black-and-white or 120 color pages. If you use up your allocation, you can buy an additional unit of 260 black-and-white or 50 color pages.

Prior Learning: Credit by Exam

$155.00 per assessment non-refundable fee

For the faculty-associated assessment of student work.

Prior Learning: Documented Experience

$260.00 per assessment non-refundable fee

For the faculty-associated assessment of prior learning portfolios requesting up to ten credits.

Prior learning: Industry Recognized Certification

$35.00 per 5 credit course non-refundable fee

Cascadia’s Professional Technical Programs may award program credit for specific industry recognized certifications. Networking Infrastructure is the only program that has pre-approved certain certificates for the awarding of credit. Interested students should speak with their program's advisor or faculty member to initiate the process.

Student Identification Card Replacement


This fee is charged for replacing a lost or stolen Student Identification Card.

Technology Fee

$4.00 per credit (minimum $10, maximum $40 per quarter)

The student body voted to assess this fee to provide email accounts, discounted Microsoft software, network storage, and regularly updated hardware and software.

2024-2025 Courses With Lab/Supply Fee Charges
Individual classes may also have lab or other fees that will be charged in addition to the basic credit hour rate. 
Art Supply $55 per course for ALL hybrid and in person Art Studio courses (fully online ART courses are excluded) Provides high quality art materials and supplies, and live model contracts, with additional funds set apart for repair and replace items such as easels.
Computer Technology $5 per credit- all IT courses with lab time (excludes INTENSIVE IT LAB courses- see list below) Covers proportionately higher hardware, software, licenses, support and technology in specific courses.
Intensive Computer Technology $8 per credit- applies to all IT INTENSIVE LAB courses (full list below) Covers hardware, software, licenses, support and technology in specific courses.
English Composition Supplemental $13 per course – on ENGL&101, ENGL&102, and ENGL&235 all modalities Funds the Bock Center to train and support writing tutors for students.
General Science Lab $35 per course in all general science lab courses excluding INTENSIVE LAB courses (see below) Covers consumables and distributed wear and tear on Repair and Replace materials such as microscopes and lab coats.
Intensive Science Lab $60 per course- applies only to BIOL 241, 242, 320, CHEM 254, 255 Covers courses with proportionately higher quarter consumable costs and distributed wear and tear on repair and replace materials such as microscopes and lab coats.
Microbiology $75 per course-all sections of BIOL&260 only regardless of modality Covers specific consumable costs related to Microbiology AND wear and tear on repair and replace materials such as microscopes and lab coats.
Learning Technology $20 per course: ALL hybrid, online, and in-person/web-enhanced courses BSTEC courses only $9 per credit (standard exclusions: ABE/CCF, independent study, study abroad) Supports costs associated with online learning tools for students in online, hybrid, and web-enhanced (in-person) classes.
Online Science Lab Kit $20 for online sections of science labs with take-home kits only (replaces standard science lab fee only when a kit is provided) Covers materials for take-home kits created for student enrolled in online sections of science courses with labs.
2024-2025 Courses With Lab/Supply Fee Charges
Course Description Fee
ART 110 Art Supply
(online excluded)
ART 120 Art Supply
(online excluded)
ART 121 Art Supply
(online excluded)
ART 122 Art Supply
(online excluded)
ART 220 Art Supply
(online excluded)
ART 240 Art Supply
(online excluded)
ASTR& 101 General Science $35
ATMS 101 General Science $35
BIOL 120 General Science
(replaced w/ $20 lab kit fee for OL sections only)
BIOL& 211 General Science $35
BIOL& 212 General Science $35
BIOL& 213 General Science $35
BIOL& 241 Intensive Science Lab $60
BIOL& 242 Intensive Science Lab $60
BIOL& 260 Microbiology $75
BIOL 320 Intensive Science Lab $60
CHEM& 121 General Science $60
CHEM& 131 General Science $35
CHEM& 161 General Science $35
CHEM& 162 General Science $35
CHEM& 163 General Science $35
CHEM 254 Intensive Science Lab $60
CHEM 255 Intensive Science Lab $60
ENGL& 101 English Composition Supplemental $13
ENGL& 102 English Composition Supplemental $13
ENGL& 235 English Composition Supplemental $13
ENGR 120 Computer Technology $25
ENGR& 240 Computer Technology $25
ENVS& 101 General Science $35
ENVS 120 General Science $35
ENVS 210 General Science $35
ENVS 220 General Science $35
ENVS 370 General Science $35
GEOL& 101 General Science $35
GEOL 360 General Science $40
IT-OPS 101 Intensive Computer Technology $40
IT-OPS 102 Intensive Computer Technology $40
IT-WEB 112 Computer Technology $25
IT-WEB 113 Computer Technology $25
IT-CS 115 Computer Technology $25
IT-CS 116 Computer Technology $25
IT-OPS 125 Computer Technology $25
IT-OPS 130 Intensive Computer Technology $40
IT-OPS 135 Intensive Computer Technology $40
IT-OPS 140 Intensive Computer Technology $40
IT-OPS 225 Computer Technology $25
IT-CS 142 Computer Technology $25
IT-CS 143 Computer Technology $25
IT-OPS 145 Intensive Computer Technology $40
IT 156 Computer Technology $5
IT 157 Computer Technology $5
IT-WEB 160 Computer Technology $5
IT-WEB 161 Computer Technology $5
IT-OPS 170 Intensive Computer Technology $40
IT-WEB 175 Computer Technology $25
IT-OPS 205 Computer Technology $25
IT-OPS 258 Computer Technology $25
IT-CS 265 Computer Technology $25
IT-MOB 271 Intensive Computer Technology $40
IT 275 Intensive Computer Technology $40
IT-WEB 280 Computer Technology $25
IT-WEB 285 Web Applications I $25
IT-WEB 286 Web Applications II $25
IT-MOB 371 Intensive Computer Technology $40
IT-MOB 372 Intensive Computer Technology $40
IT-MOB 381 Intensive Computer Technology $40
IT-MOB 382 Intensive Computer Technology $40
IT-MOB 470 Computer Technology $25
IT-MOB 480 Computer Technology $25
OCEA& 101 General Science $35
PHYS& 1114 General Science $35
PHYS& 115 General Science $35
PHYS& 116 General Science $35
PHYS& 221 General Science $35
PHYS& 222 General Science $35
PHYS& 223 General Science $35
WATER 250 General Science $35