HUMAN 120: Regional Life and Culture

Subject Area
Credits 5 Lecture Hours 55 Lab Hours 0
Other Hours
Total Hours
Distributions & Designations
H- A humanities cultural studies course based on the concept of place, the local and global culture, story, history and personal geography. The course is heavily experiential and writing intensive. The course will utilize the moment provided by the student's perspective from being inside or outside of her/his place/culture to examine her/his personal, local, regional and national place in a global society. The student will engage in critical and comparative inquiry based on the chosen readings, invited speakers, and out of class learning environments/activities. The primary focus throughout the course will be on knowledge of self as a global citizen. Incorporating community-based and project-based learning, this course will involve students in partnerships with people from a 'local' community through gathering story and oral history as research. Art, film, literary forms, primary sources and personal narrative from local/regional artists/writers/performers will be viewed as primary texts. This course is particularly designed for students who are 'out' of their 'local' or 'place', e.g., study abroad students or international students attending Cascadia but is not limited to this cohort. Prerequisite(s): None.