HUMAN 150: Introduction to Cultural Studies

Subject Area
Credits 5 Lecture Hours 55 Lab Hours 0
Other Hours
Total Hours
Distributions & Designations
Equity, Diversity, and Power,
Integrated Learning
EDP, H, IL- This humanities course introduces students to the terms, strategies, and methodologies of Cultural Studies. Students will explore how cultural texts such as literature, film, visual art, digital media, music, and performance are consumed, produced, distributed, and responded to by diverse communities, with a special emphasis placed on the cultural texts of US-based social movements. Students will examine how identities, ideas, and events are represented by dominant meaning-makers and the ways that particular communities resist this representation and create alternative texts. Students consider the impact of race, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, class, education, ability, and institutional affiliations on access to resources, power, and privilege. This course includes an Integrated Learning project. Prerequisite(s): None.