IT-CS 142: Intermediate Programming

Credits 5 Lecture Hours 55 Lab Hours 0
Other Hours
Total Hours
E- This is an intermediate Information Technology (IT) course in computer science using a language such as Java or C#. This course covers variable types, expressions and expression evaluation, control structures, functions (including parameters and return values), text file input and output (I/O), arrays, references/memory management, and object oriented programming (including encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and interfaces). The emphasis of this course will be program design, programming foundations, and object oriented programming.


Completion of MATH 94 or MATH 95 or above AND IT-CS 116 (formerly BIT 116) with a grade of 2.0 or higher; OR completion of MATH& 141 or above AND IT-CS 115 (formerly BIT 115) with a grade of 2.0 or higher; OR permission with entry code.