IT-OPS 258: IT Infrastructure Operations

Credits 5 Lecture Hours 44 Lab Hours 22
Other Hours
Total Hours
RE- This Information Technology (IT) course focuses on combining multiple single-purpose networks into a multi-service network, providing a common infrastructure convergence of network technologies. Students will evaluate best practices to enhance the operational efficiencies and productivity of a network. The course will explore details on creating unified and dynamic application infrastructures to create reliable and efficient networks. Students will apply current industry practices for planning and developing network infrastructures working with virtualization and cloud methodologies. This course will utilize communication skills used by IT professionals within team environments. Students will analyze and implement different network infrastructures. Key topics include network documentation, disaster recovery plans, and security implementation into the network infrastructure.


Completion of IT-OPS 170 AND IT-OPS 205 (formerly BIT) with a grade of 2.0 or higher, AND co-enrollment with or completion of IT-OPS 140 (formerly BIT) with a grade of 2.0 or higher; OR instructor permission.