JAPN- Japanese



JAPN& 121: Japanese I

Credits 5
EDP,GS,H- This course is designed for students who have not had any prior Japanese training. Students will learn the grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation necessary to communicate in Japanese in cultural contexts. Students also begin to read and write Japanese characters.

JAPN& 122: Japanese II

Credits 5
EDP,GS,H- Continuing from JAPN&121 in this course students will increase their knowledge of Japanese vocabulary and grammar to improve their communication skills. They will be able to participate in conversations in a variety of social settings by learning more about Japanese people, culture, and communication behaviors. They also learn more Japanese writing systems including Chinese characters.

JAPN& 123: Japanese III

Credits 5
EDP,GS,H- In this course students improve their ability to speak and write in Japanese by adding to vocabulary and learning more complicated sentence structures. They continue to increase their knowledge about Japanese people, culture, and communication behaviors. They begin to differentiate speech styles depending on social circumstances. They continue to learn Kanji (Chinese characters).

JAPN& 221: Japanese IV

Credits 5
EDP,GS,H- This course reinforces the fundamentals of the Japanese language introduced in Elementary Japanese courses. Students will learn the functional ability to communicate in Japanese beyond the entry level, in such areas as negotiating, suggesting, and requesting and in consideration of degrees of politeness. Both casual and formal speech styles are introduced in appropriate cultural and social contexts. Four Japanese language skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing are taught from a Japanese cultural framework.

JAPN& 222: Japanese V

Credits 5
EDP,GS,H- In this course students will learn how to initiate, sustain and bring closure in longer conversations by using more complex expressions such as how to change the subject, make indirect questions, make confirmations, and check comprehension. The casual and formal speech styles introduced in JAPN&221 are reviewed and expanded upon. The four Japanese language skills, speaking, listening, reading, and writing are taught from a Japanese cultural framework.

JAPN& 223: Japanese VI

Credits 5
EDP,GS,H- In this course students will learn how to support their opinions, explain reasons in detail, and discuss current topics. Casual and formal speech styles continue to be emphasized according to the requirements of different cultural and social contexts. The four Japanese language skills, speaking, listening, reading, and writing, are taught from a Japanese cultural framework. The course will shift from speaking and listening to reading and writing skills toward the end of quarter.