Sustainability by Design

Sustainability is a core value for Cascadia. We show this through our waste reduction, LEED certified buildings, reduced energy and printing waste, support in education across the curriculum, and of course, our impressive campus grounds!  Cascadia College was featured in the Herbicide-Free Campus annual report, a project at the non-profit Earth Island Institute, as one of the few exemplary pesticide-free campuses in the US. The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) has recognized our Bothell campus as the #1 campus in the nation for Sustainable Grounds since 2018!  

Cascadia’s Cornucopia Food Forest, an integrated learning project that creates opportunities for students from multiple disciplines to engage in and learn about permaculture, won the 2021 AASHE Campus Sustainability Achievement Award, recognizing outstanding progress in higher education sustainability, and Cascadia won the 2024 Water Stewardship award from the Puget Sound Business Journal. In addition, Cascadia hosts a campus farm and a restored 58-acre wetland, the second largest wetland restoration on the west coast in 2000.