ANTH& 235: Cross-Cultural Medicine

Subject Area
Credits 5 Lab Hours 0
Other Hours
Total Hours
Distributions & Designations
Equity, Diversity, and Power,
Global Studies,
Social Science
Lecture Hours 55.00
EDP, GS, SS- Students in this anthropology course adopt a global perspective to explore the ways in which culture impacts health and wellness. Students learn about different cultural approaches to understanding the relationship between the human body and mind, the treatment of physical and mental illness, medical and social models of disability, and medical ethics related to advances in genetic and biomedical research. Students develop their critical thinking skills by evaluating medical anthropology methodology and theoretical approaches, and explore the interrelationships between health, inequality, and globalization. (formerly ANTH 275)


Successful completion of ENGL 95 or above, or placement into ENGL&101.