ART& 100: Art Appreciation

Subject Area
Credits 5 Lecture Hours 55 Lab Hours 0
Other Hours
Total Hours
Distributions & Designations
Equity, Diversity, and Power,
Global Studies,
EDP, GS, H- In this course, students examine their own emotional experience of art and think critically about its role in everyday life. We develop visual literacy by critically engaging visual art from around the world to consider distinctions and intersections between cultures, grasp the relationship between art and culture, and examine the social, political, economic, and historical contexts of art. Students examine art in relation to systems of power, privilege, inequality and identity. Students learn the visual elements and principles of artistic expression including shape, light, color, texture, rhythm, motion, traditional and modern pictorial space. Artistic mediums studied include painting, sculpture, functional art, architecture, photography, printmaking, performance art, and computer art.


Successful completion of ENGL 95 or above, or placement into ENGL&101.