PHIL 238: Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Rights

Subject Area
Credits 5 Lecture Hours 55 Lab Hours 0
Other Hours
Total Hours
Distributions & Designations
Global Studies,
EDP, GS, H- This course will provide students with an introduction to the philosophy of human rights as a foundation for the exploration of applied human rights issues in a global context. Students will develop an understanding of how human rights are conceptualized and justified and consider a variety of questions, such as: What is a human right and what is its source? Should human rights be universal or are they culturally relative? What sorts of public and/or governmental policies are justified in the name of protecting or securing human rights? Can a human right be forfeited and if so by whom? Could human rights apply to non-humans? Do future generations have human rights? Students will come out of this class with a solid understanding of the main philosophical and conceptual themes in the study of human rights, better prepared to undertake further study and practice of human rights both in academia and the world at-large.


Successful completion of ENGL 95 or above, or placement into ENGL&101.