Registration Information
The quarterly schedule of classes is available online and contains registration instructions and course information. Continuing students will receive registration information each quarter via email. Students with the greatest number of accumulated credits earned register first. Priority registration is available for certain population of students.
Class Status
Students must be officially enrolled in order to attend classes. Students on the waitlist for classes may attend those courses during the first week of the quarter to not fall behind in the coursework but should communicate with their instructor for permission to enroll and additional information.
Course Prerequisites
Students who do not meet course prerequisites may be administratively withdrawn from the class at the instructor’s discretion.
Class Audits
Students who audit a course must meet course prerequisites, register and pay for the course, and participate in class work at the instructor’s discretion. No credit is earned, and the audit grade of “N” is not used in the GPA calculation. Up to the end of the second week of the quarter, students may initiate, without instructor’s permission, a change to or from audit status. From weeks three through six of the quarter, instructor permission is required. After the sixth week, no change in status may be made. (Deadlines are adjusted for summer quarter. Please see the Summer Schedule of Classes for dates). Running Start students may not audit classes.
Wait Lists
The wait list feature offers students a fair and consistent method of being enrolled in a full class if an opening occurs. Students may wait list for up to 16 credits. Students may add their name to the wait list until the day before the quarter begins. Students are responsible for:
- Checking their wait list status daily to see if enrollment occurred from the wait list.
- Paying tuition and fees by the tuition deadline. If enrollment from the wait list occurs after the tuition deadline, tuition and fees are due within one business day of registration. Non-payment may result in the class being dropped from the student’s schedule.
- Clear holds on student accounts including any outstanding balances or unpaid fees prior to the enrollment. If a student has not cleared holds, the student will not be added from the wait list.
- Removing their name from the wait list if they no longer want to be in the class. If students do not remove themselves from the wait list for an unwanted class, they may be enrolled into the class automatically, incur tuition and fees, and/or receive a failing grade. Students are responsible for managing their own class schedules and wait lists.
Criteria that prevents wait list enrollment.
- If adding the waitlisted class will result in a schedule that exceeds the maximum amount of 24 credits for which a student may be enrolled into. Students can work with their Academic Advisor for permission to over-enroll in credits.
- The waitlisted class presents a time scheduling conflict with another class in which the student is already enrolled.
- Enrolled in another section of that waitlisted class.
- Students should SWAP the section they are currently enrolled in with the section they would like to waitlist, if the preference is to be enrolled in the waitlisted section.
- If students ADD themselves to the waitlist for a different section of the same class (instead of using the SWAP feature), they must DROP the section in which they are enrolled before they will be moved from the waitlist.
- Enrollment in only one part of a combined class section.
- Prerequisites of the waitlisted class not met.
If students are not enrolled from the wait list due to any of these, the student will be passed over and the next eligible student on the waitlist will be auto-enrolled.
Schedule Changes
Class schedule changes may result in additional tuition, fees, or tuition refunds.
Changes to a student’s quarterly class schedule may impact their financial aid status. Therefore, students receiving financial aid should contact the Student Financial Services Office to determine how changes can affect aid.
Add a Class
- Students may add classes to their schedule through the second day of the quarter using their online ctclink account, unless the course is full/waitlisted, in which students will need to request written permission from the instructor and emailing to
- Students must register/enroll with Enrollment Services from the third through the tenth day of the quarter (date is adjusted for summer quarter) with instructor permission and emailing
Drop a Class
- Students may drop classes through the tenth day of the quarter (date is adjusted for summer quarter) using their online ctclink account or emailing Enrollment Services at
- Instructor permission is not required.
- Neither the class nor grade will appear on the student’s transcript for courses dropped during this period.
Withdraw from a Class
- Beginning the 11th day of the quarter through the end of the eighth week of the quarter (date is adjusted for summer quarter), students can withdraw from classes online using their online ctclink account or emailing Enrollment Services at
- A “W” grade will appear on the student’s transcript. Students who fail to follow the procedure for officially withdrawing will receive a grade in accordance with the instructor’s grading policy.
Administrative Withdrawal from a Class
- Students who fail to attend class by the end of the second class meeting or fail to contact their instructor regarding their attendance in class by the end of the second class meeting or who fail to log in within the first 72 hours of an online course may be administratively withdrawn from the class.
- Students who do not meet course prerequisites may be administratively withdrawn from the class at the instructor’s discretion.
Hardship Withdrawal
Students are allowed to withdraw from classes until the end of the eighth week of the quarter. The Hardship Withdrawal is a request for an exception to this deadline for cases where an extreme or unusual circumstance 1) prevented a student from withdrawing prior to the deadline or 2) occurs after the deadline and prevents the student from continuing to attend class. This process is not meant as a way for students (regardless of hardship) who attend for most of the quarter to avoid earning an unsatisfactory grade (as defined by the student.) It is rare for a hardship withdrawal to be approved for one but not all classes. Course performance and final grade/ expected grades are not taken into consideration when making a determination. To be eligible, the student has to be able to document a hardship that 1) prevented a student from withdrawing prior to the deadline or 2) occurs after the deadline and prevents the student from continuing to attend class.
Prior to requesting a Hardship Withdrawal, it is recommended that students:
- Discuss concerns with instructors.
- Officially Withdraw by the last date to withdraw in the quarter.
- Request an Incomplete grade, if a majority of the coursework has been completed and the student is able to complete the remainder of the coursework without instructor or class support.
Students inquiring about a Hardship Withdrawal should be referred to the Kodiak Corner or can email to receive a copy of the request form. Requests for a Hardship Withdrawal must be received prior to the end of the quarter in question.
Washington National Guard and other military reserve students ordered to service may:
- Withdraw from one or more courses and receive a refund of tuition.
- Be given an incomplete and allowed to complete the course upon release from duty.
- Continue the course and be given full credit.
Any missed class sessions will be excused absences. Upon return to campus, students will be allowed a reasonable period of time to submit missed work. At the discretion of the instructor, there may be cases in which the student has already completed sufficient class work to justify an earned grade. The student called to duty is required to submit written notice of call to service. The college may request the student to provide written documentation of service.