WATER- Water Science


WATER 110: Introduction to Water Science, Resources, and Issues

Credits 5
GS, IL, SU, RE- In this introductory course, students explore the basic physical and chemical properties of water, ground and surface water systems, the hydrologic cycle, and water quality/quantity issues facing society and natural systems as it relates to sustainability. Water pollution sources will be examined with an emphasis on runoff. Additionally, potential career opportunities in the field of water science and resources will be introduced.

WATER 250: Soils and Hydrology

Credits 6
IL, SU, RE- In this course, students explore the chemical, biological, and physical processes of soils as they relate to hydrology and the sustainability of water resources. Course work will emphasize connections between soils and runoff pollution and flooding in rural and urban settings. Students will gain experience using soil mapping software and interpretation of that data. Mitigation with an emphasis on Best-Management Practices will be examined. Labs will provide hands-on experience describing soils and using the data to make hydrologic interpretations about the susceptibility to runoff, flooding, and water contamination.