ENGL& 112: Introduction to Fiction

Subject Area
Credits 5 Lecture Hours 55 Lab Hours 0
Other Hours
Total Hours
Distributions & Designations
Equity, Diversity, and Power,
EDP, H- In this literature course, students explore a range of texts representing the genre of fiction across space and time, including novels, short stories, microfiction, autofiction, scripted narrative, and related critical materials. The course is based on a rotating theme; examples include 21st Century Abolitionist Literature, Narratives of the Sea, Crime Fiction, Queer Literature, AI in fiction, Representations of Disability in Literature, and Climate Grief Literature. Students practice in-depth analysis of texts, considering genre conventions, historical contexts, themes, and cultural implications for the reading audience of the place and time period, and are also introduced to literary theory. Students reflect upon their own process of creating meaning through an active reading practice and analytical, collaborative, and creative projects.(formerly ENGL 211)


Successful completion of ENGL 95 or above, or placement into ENGL&101.