ENGL 95: College Reading and Writing

Subject Area
Credits 5 Lecture Hours 55 Lab Hours 0
Other Hours
Total Hours
This reading course prepares students for success with college literacies, and supports specific success in reading-heavy classes across the curriculum using targeted practices. Students will experiment with and strengthen their reading and writing strategies to increase comprehension of academic materials. Time will be dedicated for individual conferences and writing tutor consultations. Students will develop a collection of personalized reading and writing processes for academic assignments that reflect intentional organization, appropriate conventions, and polish. They will learn to find and interpret information to use in reading-grounded class discussions. This course is intended to be taken either as a) the first five credits in a sequence of consecutive quarters with ENGL&101, extending the pace and scaffolding of reading activities and assignments, or b) as a co-requisite in the same quarter as ENGL&101, in which the pace of supporting activities and assignments will be more compressed. This course is graded as Pass/No pass.


Placement into ENGL 95 or above.