MATH& 146: Introduction to Statistics

Subject Area
Credits 5 Lab Hours 0
Other Hours
Total Hours
Distributions & Designations
Natural Science,
Quantitative Reasoning
Lecture Hours 55.00
NS, Q- This math course provides an algebra-based interdisciplinary introduction to the core concepts of statistics and probability. The primary focus will be on- but not limited to-business, natural science, and social science applications. Learners will be introduced to various forms of descriptive statistics. Learners will also gain understanding of the basic tools of statistical inference and analysis while examining data, experiments, and readings in their field of study. Emphasis is on interpretation and calculation, and needed technology will be taught along with the subject matter. A graphing calculator is required.


Placement into ENGL 95 or above; AND Completion of MATH 84 or MATH 85 or MFUND 85 or above with a grade of 2.0 or higher, or placement into MATH 95/ &107/ &131/ &132/ &146.