MATH 208: Linear Algebra

Subject Area
Credits 5 Lecture Hours 55 Lab Hours 0
Other Hours
Total Hours
Distributions & Designations
Natural Science,
Quantitative Reasoning
NS, Q- This math course is an introduction to the vocabulary, concepts, methods, and applications of linear algebra. Learners will become familiar with vector spaces and their important subspaces. Students will connect systems of linear equations, with matrices and matrix algebra. The matrix as a linear transformation in Rn, will be developed leading to concepts of Kernal and Range. The importance of orthogonal sets, eigenspace, and diagonalization will be discovered. Students will be encouraged to conceptually understanding the algebraic and geometric aspects of linearity using technology and applications. Students will be instructed on the use of computer software and applications needed to complement their investigations and will analyze and communicate the modern applications of linear algebra. A scientific calculator is required.


Placement into ENGL 95 or above; AND Completion of MATH&152 with a grade of 2.0 or higher.