Associate in Pre-Nursing

Associate in Pre-Nursing DTA/MRP

Program Area

93 credits 

The Associate in Pre-Nursing Degree prepares students to transfer to a baccalaureate degree program in Nursing (BSN). This degree program is applicable to students planning to transfer to a program where they can earn a baccalaureate degree in Nursing (Entry-to-practice/basic BSN program or other related allied health field) by completing a broad selection of academic courses.

This degree has been agreed upon by the following baccalaureate institutions offering an entry-to-practice/basic BSN program and the community and technical colleges system: University of Washington, Seattle; Washington State University; Northwest University; Seattle University; Seattle Pacific University; Pacific Lutheran University; Walla Walla College. The Washington State University Intercollegiate College of Nursing (WSU-ICN) is a consortium whose members include Eastern Washington University, Gonzaga, and Whitworth. Associate’s degree transfers to WSU-ICN are admitted through WSU, not through the other consortium institutions. EWU participated in the development of this agreement. Student must contact the potential transfer institutions regarding their choices where the degree allows for student choice in classes and are encouraged to consult an academic advisor.

Upon successful completion of this degree a student will be able to:

  • Understand patterns and make connections among different disciplines and schools of knowledge and to integrate studies with personal experience
  • Learn actively and gain comprehensive understanding; to think critically, creatively, and reflectively in order to solve problems; to communicate with clarity and originality for personal growth and productive work; and to interact in diverse and complex environments and complicated, dynamic, and ambiguous situations
  • Enter an entry-to-practice nursing program

Completion Requirements

The Associate in Pre-Nursing DTA/MRP is a direct transfer degree that requires at least 90 credit hours in college level courses (numbered 100 or above), a minimum cumulative 2.0 grade point average, a minimum of 25 credits from Cascadia, and completion of all of the requirements for this degree. Students must meet with an advisor to complete and submit an application for graduation

General Education Core Courses

Foundations for College Success

Must be completed within the first 30 credits.

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Quantitative or Symbolic Reasoning


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Equity, Diversity, and Power Requirement

Students must complete a 150-series EDP course and at least one more additional EDP-designated course-- totaling ten (10) credits-- to meet the Equity, Diversity, and Power completion requirement. EDP courses in the 150-series ground students in the needed cognitive tools and background to critically analyze their position in our increasingly interconnected, complex, and diverse world so they can pursue further study and seek out their careers more intentionally. EDP designated courses may also apply toward Humanities, Social Science, Natural Science, or General Elective distribution requirements as indicated. See the Cascadia catalog for the complete list of EDP-designated courses

Humanities Distribution Requirement

Students must complete courses from at least two different disciplines. No more than five credits may be included from those courses designated HP as performance/skills, applied theory, or lecture/studio courses. Only 5 credits of a world language or ASL at the 100 level may be included. CMST 150, GS 150, HIST 150, or HUMAN 150 may be used to fulfill 5 credits of the Humanities Distribution requirement.

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Social Sciences Distribution Requirement

Students must complete courses from at least two different disciplines. SOC 150 may be used to fulfill 5 credits of the Social Sciences Distribution requirement.

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Natural Sciences Distribution Requirement

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Program Distribution Requirement

Remaining elective credits should be planned with the help of an advisor based on the requirements of the specific major at the institution the student plans to attend. COLL 101 is a required elective for all students. Elective credits may be selected from any of the distribution and elective courses. Professional/technical courses numbered 100 or above may be considered restricted electives. No more than 5.0 credits may be included from Restricted Electives List. Consult an advisor for more information.

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